Yo what's up everybody? This is Justin aka J.D.E. bringing you another entry to his insightful thoughts of festivities going on. This will be a special entry on one of my all-time favorite anime, Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon has a brand-new series set to take place soon & I can't wait to see it! Now let me tell you a little bit of about Sailor Moon. This series is a very important piece of work to me because it was apart of me growing & has a huge impact on me as a fighting game competitor. Without this series, there probably wouldn't be me using any females in fighting games. This & Kasumi (from Dead or Alive) goes hand in hand when it comes to me as a player since she was the very 1st female that I have ever mained. It is action-packed, dramatic, comedic, & obtains lifetime elements.

Now, that I've given you my personal insight on what Sailor Moon has done for me, I would like to take the time & breakdown each character of series. Let me say this 1st. I love EVERY Sailor scout/senshi, but I will make 3 different list. One will be my favorite characters rated from top to bottom, one will be rated in my opinion the hottest, & the last one will be rated from top to bottom as a "true warrior". The point of true warrior is that I'm looking at an action-packed series. What I'm looking in for an action-packed series are characters that can hold their own in any given situation. One that can fight at will. Let's be serious here for a second. We all have our favorite characters, but can the character fight hands on? Does the character use their power effectively? More importantly, how often do they have to rely on the leader of the pack to step up? Meaning will they kill when push comes to shove & does the leader have other killers in the group. I look for all of these things in a fighter. Another thing that I want you to keep in mind is that this will focus on the inner & outer scouts/senshis only. The true warrior's list won't have everyone listed.
1. Sailor Mars
2. Sailor Jupiter
3. Sailor Venus
4. Sailor Moon
5. Sailor Neptune
6. Sailor Mercury
7. Sailor Saturn
8. Sailor Pluto
9. Sailor Uranus
10. Sailor Mini/Chibi Moon
1. Sailor Neptune
2. Sailor Mars
3. Sailor Mercury
4. Sailor Venus
5. Sailor Pluto
6. Sailor Moon
7. Sailor Jupiter
8. Sailor Uranus
9. Sailor Saturn
10. Sailor Mini Moon
Note: Hotaru & Rini are quite young, so it's pretty hard to judge.
True Warriors
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Moon
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Mars
Sailor Mars is pretty much the "it" factor for me. She can fight, she's hot, she has the warrior mindset. I don't know about her being smart, but she's shown that she can hold her own. She's even did work without the senshi/scouts. She even senses when evil is coming. If she could pinpoint attacks like Sailor Mercury can, oh boy! In my opinion, there wouldn't be any disputing it. She's also very hot headed in the recent anime. She's even killed monsters on her own. The most favorable fight however was her vs Kathy. Although got a sprained leg, it was a great fight on her part. She nearly took her out. Without question, Sailor Mars is a true warrior. To add to this, when it came taking out monsters to find the other scouts/senshis, stuck with Neptune, they both fight to their most valiant efforts, destroying monsters from left & right. Sailor Neptune even took the time out of the day to turn around & say "Sailor Mars, you're a true warrior!" Definitely a battle-tested fighter.

Sailor Jupiter
Alright, for Jupiter, you already know that she's very strong & battle tested. Like Mars, she can hold her own. She's very energetic, talented & cute. To add, she's a very good cook. Her weakness is that she can be clumsy for boys & is desperate one. However, on the battlefield, she is dominant. She can go toe to toe in hand to hand combat along with her super powers that she possess. She also does not like it when her foe gets the best of her. The perfect example of this was when she felt that she was defeated by a monster. Humiliated, she leaves off to train & then comes back ready to kill the next foe that stood in the scouts/senshi's way. There is no need to mention anymore monsters that she destroyed in this case. This right here alone tells you that she's a true warrior.
Sailor Venus
"Sailor V!" "Sailor Venus isn't battle tested or an example of a true warrior!" How come she's not? She fought on her own with Artemis being her guardian until she finally met up with the scouts/senshis. She stopped Malachi & Zoisite when everyone else was trapped & couldn't do anything. She may be a ditz, but that doesn't mean that she's not lethal. Not for one second. While there may not have been any monsters to anyone's knowledge, but she damn sure as hell can fight on her own. Whoops ass by herself too! She's very athletic & very good at ducking, dodging & has a hell of an aim. Her athleticism is what guides her in battle. She has all of that to make up for not being more of the hands on fighter that Mars & Jupiter are. That crescent beam is like Piccolo's special beam cannon. So yes, she is a true warrior. A good one with aim at that.
Sailor Moon
I'm sure that I'll get flamed for this one, but you can say whatever that you want about her. Sailor Moon is "Sailor Moon". Especially since that Luna is her guardian (which is obvious). Just like personally think that she's hot, I'm not even going to lie about it. Just like the others are. She's a ditz, dingy, clumsy, & all of the above as a person. She even gets knocked on her ass, but when push comes to shove, she'll murk. I do want to see her in the new one step up & take charge a little bit more. The rest of the fact that she's a true warrior is self-explanatory, but the most notable fight to me was Queen Beryl.
Sailor Mercury
Mercury is listed on the top side of my favorites, but not on the list as a true warrior. The reason behind that is I love Mercury as a character, but honestly, she's not what I would call a "legit fighter". She's very smart in terms of using her powers & fleshing out weaknesses, but in terms of hands on combat or athleticism about her as a sailor soldier. She's all brains & strategy, but it worked for her. However, she's important to the senshis/scouts because again, she pinpoints weaknesses of a foe. Just imagine if she had combative skills along with her powers & intellectual skills. She would be a complete fighter. I would even go so far as saying that she would contend with the top 3 that I have listed as my favorites. I want to see her step up & body monsters like Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Uranus, & Neptune. She needs that. Make her into more of a fighter in the new one, please! I just can't call her a legit fighter even though she's one of my favorite characters. I mean she's everything in a girl that a guy should admire.

Sailor Neptune
Neptune is most definitely on the higher end of my list & most certainly in my opinion attractive. Throughout the whole entire recent anime series, she's proved to be one of the sharpest fighters out of the bunch. Her & Uranus both. Even in the episode that explained how Sailor Uranus came to be. It's almost the same story with Sailor Venus except that it would seem that she has the slight advantage over her since she's more battle tested than Venus. I always said that Sailor Venus vs Sailor Neptune would be a dream match since they have something that one another don't have. From Neptune, I don't want to see her role deteriorate like it did in the last series. She can fight, I want it to stay that way. She too, represents what a female warrior should be.
Sailor Saturn
Hotaru, Sailor Saturn is very unique. I wish she would have came into the series a bit earlier than before. I was a little bit iffy on putting her in the true warriors' list. She could definitely pass as one, but I was thinking of "what if" she would have been in the series earlier. That would have been really nice. Her attacks are deadly however. For her to be the solider of destruction, she does go on a tear & possess tons of powers to beast her foes. The last series was enough for me to say "Aye she can go!" but again, I wished that I would have got to see more.
Sailor Pluto
Pluto is another one that I honestly enjoyed but couldn't really call her a true warrior. Though she picked up bad vibes like Mars can, she lacked the fighting skills like Mercury. To me, she seemed like the one to get knocked around in the last series a lot. I hope to see some difference in her though. She showed that she could be a beast also. Against the Sovereign of Destruction, & the bad guys in the scientific museum, she went apeshit.
Sailor Uranus
What more can you say about Sailor Uranus? She's a tomboy. She does almost everything that a dude would do, but the point is as a sailor scout/senshi, she massacres. Sometimes she's too sacrificial without even thinking of what could be worked out, be as a fighter, throughout the series, no question. She is a 100% fighter. She's taken out quiet a few foes on her own (just like Neptune, Mars, & Jupiter) & doesn't depend on anyone of the scouts/senshi to bail her out of trouble. Simple as that.
Sailor Mini Moon (Chibi Moon)
She's quite the character, but we already know that she's not in the true warrior mix. She is however very entertaining. She makes me laugh all through the series. It would be nice to see her do work on her own. That is if she gets equipped with the right tools like her future mother.
These are all of my reasons in my opinion you are free to tell me what you think about them. All of this leads us up to the new series coming up. I hope to see some changes within the characters. I hope that they listened or carried out my wishes.
I am just as excited as everyone else is about this new series! Hope that it's a blast!